You would like to create your own website but you think it's too complicated? Don't look any further, this is the tutorial you need.
There is nothing difficult or complicated in creating websites, and thanks to this tutorial you will learn very quickly how to build a website from scratch.
This course is designed for beginners who know nothing about web development and are only waiting for one thing: a complete lesson, from A to Z, with simple explanations and concrete examples.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
- Add text to your website
- Insert images, videos and graphic effects
- Create links between your pages
- Build a navigation menu
- Change the background, color, size or font
- Position elements as you want
- And much more
Ready to build your website? All you need to do is read the following chapters, no prerequisites.
Part 1 - HTML5 Basics
You've never heard of HTML or CSS? No need to worry, the explanations for these two computing languages and their uses come in the very first chapter.
At the end of this part, you will know how websites work, how to create your own web project, how to add text, images, links and more!
Part 2 - CSS3 Design
Now that you know the basics of the HTML language, it's time to start designing your website with CSS.
The second part of this tutorial will cover everything you need to know about the CSS language.
Part 3 - Website Creation
We learned how to build basic web pages with HTML and how to format them with CSS.
Now it's time to combine these two languages to design the layout of our website.
At the end of this third part, we will have built our first complete website.
Part 4 - Advanced Features
We now know how to create a website from scratch using HTML and CSS.
In the fourth part of this tutorial we will cover several advanced features that, while perhaps not the most used, you will certainly need sooner rather than later.
Tables, forms and the other components we will see are by no means necessary for building a simple website, as we've done in the previous part, but it's always good to have more gear in your toolbox.
Part 5 - Conclusion
This is the fifth and final part of this tutorial.
What is there left to learn?
Well, for starters, how to send your website online and make it accessible 24/7 to the entire world.
It's surprisingly simple so let's start with that.
This is the end of this tutorial on website creation with HTML and CSS.
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